For that reason I hereby give notice of my resignation, in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family, and to my cake business which has grown steadily over the past few years. 因此我决定辞职,我能全身心的投入到我的家庭,和我在过去几年已经发展得很稳定的蛋糕事业。
The importing WTO Member should give notice of information which it required and provide Chinese producers and exporters ample opportunity to present evidence in writing in a particular case. WTO进口成员应通知其所要求的信息,并应向中国的生产者和出口商提供在一具体案件中提供书面证据的充分机会。
A party shall give notice to the other party when it ceases to be affected by the force majeure. 当不可抗力的影响终止时,一方应通知另一方。
The Employer shall then give notice that the contractor's Equipment and Temporary Works will be released to the Contractor at or near the Site. 其后,雇主应发出通知,将在现场或其附近把承包商设备和临时工程放还给承包商。
You must give notice of changes in the arrangements. 你要改变计划时必须事先通知大家。
When you give notice are you graceful? 当你发出通知你表现愉悦礼貌的吗?
The Employer shall give notice to the Contractor of each agreement or determination, with supporting particulars. 雇主应将每一项商定或决定连同依据的细节通知承包商。
Give notice of readiness to load by1900 hours local time. 当地时间1900时给装货准备就绪通知书。
We will give notice of such defects without undue delay. 我们将毫不延迟地通知供应商此种瑕疵。
I am required by the articles of the above-named Company or by an agreement made with the company to give notice of resignation to the company. 按照上述公司的章程细则或本人与该公司订立的协议的规定,本人须向该公司发出辞职通知。
The clerk shall give notice to the parties of the date when the findings and order will be pronounced. 宣布裁及命令的日期,向各方出通知。
In this event, he shall give notice to the contractor of the name, address, duties and authority of the employer's representative. 在此情况下,他应将业主代表的姓名、地址、任务和权利通知承包商。
Women would have to give notice much earlier of a firm date for their return from maternity leave. 女性员工必须提前更长时间将结束产假重返工作岗位的确切日期告知公司。
If the Employer intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars. 如果雇主欲对其资金安排做出任何实质性变更,雇主应向承包商发出通知并提供详细资料。
Furthermore, we will also give notice of defects as soon as such defects have been detected in the ordinary course of business. 此外,我们也会在正常的经营过程中一旦发现瑕疵就通知供应商。
Both Sue and Jude together went to the office of the district to give notice. 淑和裘德两个一块儿到本地登记局去申请结婚。
If the contractor wishes to modify any design or document which has previously been submitted for review, the Contractor shall immediately give notice to the employer. thereafter, the Contractor shall submit revised documents to the employer in accordance with the above procedure. 若承包商希望对业已提交供审查的设计或文件进行修改,承包商应立刻通知业主。其后,承包商应根据上述步骤提交修订的文件给业主。
Are there rights of renewal? If so when must you give notice. 是否有续租权?如果有,何时须通知对方?
Yes, but we are not obliged to give notice to the union. 是的,但是我们没有必要通知工会。
The Seller shall give notice of any likely delay in delivery as soon as practicable. 若出现任何有可能延迟交付的情形,卖方应及时履行通知义务。
When did he give notice? I just heard his leaving his company. 他何时提出辞呈的?我刚听说他离开他公司。
Well, if you do not think it too late to give notice for yourself, suppose you were to go, as well as your husband. 唔,你要是觉得还来得及通知,你索性和你丈夫一起去。
To give notice pursuant to this Agreement, a party must send written notice to the other party at the address stated in this Agreement. 根据本协议给予通知,一方必须向本协议中规定的另一方地址发送书面通知。
Give notice in writing to the director that he claims that the ship is not liable to forfeiture. 向处长发出书面通知,声称该船不可予以没收。
Then it shall give notice to the other Party of the event or circumstances constituting the Force Majeure and shall specify the obligations, the-performance of which is or will be prevented. 则该方应将构成不可抗力的事件或情况通知另一方,并具体说明已经无法或将要无法履行的义务、工作。
I hereby give notice that the new regulations will come into force next week. 我事先警告你们,下星期将实行新规定。
One lesson that has emerged all too slowly from medical practice is the need for trial registries, in which researchers give notice that a clinical trial is about to begin, noting exactly what they will do. 医学实践中过于缓慢暴露出的一个教训是实验注册的必要性。在实验注册过程中,研究人员会就一项临床实验的即将开始发出通知,指出他们到底会做些什么。
How do I give notice that my child will leave a class? 假如我的孩子将不再参加这个课程,如何通知你们?
You'll tell him as soon as you're ready to give notice. 你打算一旦准备就绪就告诉他。